Saturday, October 11, 2008

30 is the new 20?!?!

Yesterday was my 30th birthday... I have no idea where my 20's went! I've been told 30 is the new 20. What do you think? Everyone says 30 isn't so bad. I just have to get past the number and after more of my friends turn 30 I think I'll get used to it ;-)


Jay @halftime lessons said...

Hey Chrissy-
You won my contest!! Come see!

Kristina P. said...

I turned 30 in May, and I had a little freakout about 3 months prior, but it was more about being old and not having kids.

And then I got over it, and I like being 30! I've embraced it.

Unknown said...

I don't think 30 is bad at all. Of course I'm not quite there yet so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Happy birthday!

Stacey Moore said...

thanks so much for stopping by our blog and posting our button!! i wsas 31 in march and it's not that bad :)

Chrissy said...

Kristina, I think I'm getting over being 30 now. It's only a number!

Miranda, you are right, 30 isn't so bad. I think I have lots of adventures ahead! Thanks for the birthday wishes :-)

Hi Stacey, I'm glad to hear being in your 30's isn't so bad. I'm amazed at how time flies.

Christian said...

I will be 30 next year, I am not sure what to think about it yet. I used to look forward to it because I thought people would take me seriously when I was in my 30's instead of my 20's, like I was a REAl grown-up then. But now I am not so sure. Anyway, happy late bday and thanks for entering my giveaway! Good Luck!